Bloom Report

Spring Marches Quickly Foreword

Siberian Squill March 16th 2016
Siberian Squill March 16th 2016

It may still be a week before the spring solstice but spring is marching on at a fast pace for us thanks to a very mild first half of the month. 60 and 70 degree highs have dominated the weather ( average is 50s ) this along with rain and storms the past two days have worked together to jump-start the growing season. Many species of trees and shrubs have been pushed into coming out of dormancy as if it were much later. As for spring bulbs we are moving away from the earlys and into mid-season types as the first Daffodils of the season opened in my garden today March 16th and it is the miniature Tete a Tete variety. Standard Daffodils will be in bloom by tomorrow. Standards have already been blooming for a few days in inner city neighborhoods in Des Moines where it’s warmer at night due to urban heating. Tete a Tete bloomed on March 22nd in 2015.

Northern Gold Forsythia Bloomed: March 15th 2016
Northern Gold Forsythia Bloomed: March 14th 2016

Forsythia are blooming across the area and are adding much-needed color to the landscape, I’ve seen many blooming around Des Moines neighborhoods. I have two kinds Northern Gold and Lynwood Gold. N. Gold always comes into bloom first for me despite being in a much cooler part of the lawn, it  is also a much hardier type and has never lost a year of flowers due to cold winter lows. If you live in North Iowa N. Gold is the type for you! Last year this shrub did not reach the stage it’s at now until March 29th so we are quite a bit farther along when compared to last year.


Lush Green grass March 16th 2016
Lush Green grass March 16th 2016

One of the biggest changes in the landscape this week has been the grass, the rain and warmth has pushed the grass big time around here and it already takes on a lush green appearance, and for many people this was very noticeable. It is very possibly mowing will take place before April this year!

Lilac leaves March 16th 2016
Common Lilac leaves March 16th 2016

Shrubs are seeing the same kind of quick growth due to the warm weather and several types are leafing out now, so many I can’t even consider posting photos of every type! The following trees and shrubs species have leaves: Crabapple, Willow, Lilac, Barberry and Honeysuckle. Elm trees and Red Maples are in bloom, Ornamental Pear, Magnolia and Redbuds have broken bud. I’d take a guess that Magnolia will be starting to flower by next week.

Here is the spring garden is a whole, a totally different look then just two weeks ago from my last post. If a progression continues at this rate I may have to post twice a week just to keep up with everything! Several spring bulbs species are just about to burst into bloom in my yard including Standard Daffodils, Grape Hyacinths and Hyacinths, Tulips are not far behind at this time either. The shrub in the photo is Lynwood Gold Forsythia which as can be seen hasn’t even showed a bud compared to Northern Gold in the earlier photo. Please get out there and enjoy spring as we are approaching the most beautiful time of year in our state!