All of Iowa, Forecast

Warmth For Now

SEASONAL: A weak disturbance will be moving across the state today bringing a chance of a few rain or snow showers to the northern counties of the state. Most areas will be dry with mostly cloudy skies and readings in the 30s and 40s. There will be a better chance of seeing some sunshine on Tuesday except the eastern counties with a significant system moving through the east that will be skirting the eastern and southeastern counties with some clouds. Highs will be similar to today with 30s and 40s across the state. We may see some backwash precipitation late Tuesday night into Wednesday in the form of some light snow or flurries but this doesn’t look to present too big an issues at this time. The rest of the week looks to be quiet with partly to mostly sunny skies and readings in the 30s to lower 40s across the state.

WEEKEND SEESAW: As we head into the weekend, the temperatures look to shoot up once again. Winds will be quite breezy out of the west with temperatures heading into the 40s and 50s. We could even see lower 60s once again in our southwestern counties. Unfortunately this doesn’t look to last as colder air will once again dive back in from the northwest on Sunday with a chance of some rain and snow. Temperatures will be in the 30s and 40s Sunday (likely early in the day) dropping into the teens and 20s Sunday night. We should get a handle on possible snow amounts with this system in the coming days. Another disturbance comes in right on its heels Monday which may bring some light snow to our northeastern counties, may warm readings to near 40 in southern Iowa, and drop readings once again into next week.

A LOOK INTO MARCH: As we look into the extended period taking us into the first week of March, the GFS is showing that March may be roaring in with more active weather late next Tuesday (1st) into Wednesday (2nd) with some precipitation (likely snow). Temperatures are shown to be below seasonal levels through Thursday due to a possible fresh snow cover on the ground. Lots of time to watch and digest model runs over the next few days on this system. Another system is shown sweeping through around the 5th with more precipitation at that time. Temperatures look to remain mainly below seasonal levels through the end of the model run (9th). Get out and enjoy the warm weather.

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