All of Iowa, Forecast

Get Out the Wind Turbines!

WINDY WARMTH: Another warm day across the state but strong winds will be around as well. We will see winds sustained at 15-30mph with gusts well in excess of 40. This will lead to some issues driving on east-west roads. Temperatures will be warm with 50s and 60s for highs across the state. Would not be surprised to see some places in southwestern Iowa touching 70 again as they did yesterday. Skies will be mostly sunny outside a few morning clouds in the northern and northeastern counties with a disturbance that will be departing the area. Temperatures on Saturday will be perhaps a few degrees cooler but there will still be plenty of sunshine to go around and the winds will be a lot weaker. Sunday looks to be fine as well with readings a few degrees cooler than on Saturday but still above seasonal levels.

NEXT WEEK: The weather stays relatively quiet as we head into next week with only some slight chances of precipitation during the week (Tuesday, Thursday and late next Friday). Readings will be closer to seasonal levels in the 30s and lower 40s, but even those readings are still warm nonetheless. The flow will be coming out of the northwest which will lead to the cooler readings that we saw yesterday and will see today and Saturday. The lack of any snow cover will be the reasoning for the temperatures not being any cooler than they could be.

JUMPING AHEAD: Looking at what the GFS Model is showing during the extended period, the model continues to show a northwesterly flow over the area through the end of the month and into the first couple days of March. This would mean a similar story of temperatures (that we might see next week), and the slight chances of precipitation as well. Not too confident in a northwesterly flow lasting as long as this run says it might, so we’ll just have to wait and see.

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