All of Iowa, Forecast

So Long Snow Cover

SNOW GOING BYE-BYE: The snow will be retreating away from the ground over the next few days as temperatures zoom well into the 40s, 50s and 60s across the state. There will be a few clouds today mainly in our northern and northeastern counties but that will deter temperatures from climbing into the 40s there. Friday will be the warmest of the next 5-7 days with readings in the upper 40s north to the middle 60s south. It will be a great day to be outside, if you can handle the fairly strong southerly winds that will be in force throughout the day. A disturbance will be moving just north of the state and may kick off some showers late tonight into Friday there while the rest of the state should see some mostly sunny skies. Heading into the weekend, temperatures will slide back into the 40s and 50s on Saturday and a bit cooler than that on Sunday, but still pleasant for the middle of February nonetheless.

NEXT WEEK: Temperatures next week will be closer to seasonal levels but with most if not all the snow gone, we should see readings a bit warmer than we would if the snow was still around. It looks quiet as well until Thursday when the GFS shows another system coming in from the northwest. This could bring us some rain and or snow to the state. It also looks to reinforce the northwesterly flow across the state as well which may lower readings further into the following weekend. We’ll have a lot to delve into the coming days with regards to this system and what it may bring, but enjoy the warmth we have for now.

LAMB OR LION: As we look at the extended period, the seasonal air looks to continue through the end of February with another weak disturbance seeing moving through around the 27th. As March rolls in, it looks like a lamb will be moving in along with warmer temperatures once again as the cold air looks to retreat to our northeast. Another system is seen at the end of the model run around the 3rd and 4th of March that may bring some precipitation to the state. Not much consistency and confidence at this time beyond the next 7-10 days but we’ll keep watching as always.

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