All of Iowa, Forecast

And Now Warmer Temperatures

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WINTER ON HOLIDAY: Temperatures are going to be heading up and this could last for a while as we see no wintry weather in the next five days at least. Highs today will be in the upper 20s northeast to the middle and upper 40s far southwest. There will be some considerable cloudiness around but some peaks of sunshine could be seen in the northeast and southwestern counties of the state. More sunshine will be in force Thursday and temperatures will really take off with 40s and 50s possible. A disturbance will skirt the state on Friday that could bring a slight chance of some rain mainly over the northern counties but this shouldn’t be a big deal at this point. Temperatures on Friday will be similar to Thursday with 40s and 50s for most and perhaps some lower 60s in the southwestern counties.

MORE SEASONAL: Another system is shown to move into the state on Sunday and this could bring some rain or snow to the state at that time. It will also bring an end to the warm temperatures, however temperatures will not be heading into the deep freezer either. Highs will be backing off into the 30s to lower 40s for most places. As mentioned yesterday, the weather pattern looks to be coming out of the northwest as we head into next week which will keep temperatures closer to seasonal levels but still quiet at least through the middle of the week.

MARCHING ALONG: Looking at the extended period, the northwesterly flow is shown to stay in place for a few more days with a system coming through around Leap Day (29th) that could bring some rain or snow at that time and perhaps a bit of warmer weather as well. This isn’t shown to last too long as another quick shot of colder air comes in on the 1st of March, but this too doesn’t last as the warm air wins out as we end the period with the cold air having retreated into Canada. Still plenty of time to watch for any possible changes however. We still can get wintry weather well into March and April.

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