
Who’s Ready for a W-A-R-M-U-P?!

MORE CLIPPERS, AND NOT THE LOS ANGELES ONES: High pressure shifts into the area today, however another clipper system Monday night will swing through the state and bring with it some light snow across the region. Total accumulations with this will be nothing significant by any means, likely in the one-to-two inch range, with locally higher totals to three inches or so possible. Some models have been painting some warming aloft, bringing up the concern for mixed precipitation in the west, however confidence in this is low at this time. Still, it would not be of complete surprise to see a glaze of ice over the western part of the state Tuesday morning. Make sure to take it easy on the roads Tuesday morning in either case. Temperatures today and Tuesday will be relatively seasonal, with highs in the low 30s northeast to the low 40s southwest. Quiet weather will be the prevailing condition for Wednesday with mostly cloudy skies and somewhat cooler temperatures and a larger gradient, with mid 20s in the north to nearly 50 south.

W-A-R-M-U-P: The title of today’s forecast speaks volumes as a major warm-up is expected late in the week. Wednesday will be a bit of a preview for the southern part of the state with temperatures nearly in the 50s, as aforementioned. However, this will be nothing in comparison to Thursday through the weekend. High temperatures Thursday will range from nearly 40 in the north to the low 60s in the south. The warmth Thursday will be amplified statewide with mid-to-upper 40s in the north to nearly the mid 60s in the southwest. Slight moderation kicks in for the weekend with low 40s north to upper 50s south on Saturday and upper 30s north to low 50s south on Sunday.

FLOODING POTENTIAL: Minor-to-moderate river flooding can be expected in the northern part of the state this weekend. The soil across the state is already quite saturated, and the quick runoff of moist snow will likely not be soaked up… instead being put into nearby rivers, streams, creeks, which are already high this winter. Those located in low-lying areas or near bodies of water should keep a close eye on conditions and prepare to make necessary adjustments should Flood Watches or Warnings be issued. Ice jams are also possible, however the overall threat of this is rather low with the high streamflows on rivers.

Have a great Monday, and enjoy the last snowfall event we’ll see for a while. And take comfort in the knowledge that a warmup is right around the corner!