All of Iowa, Forecast

A February Flurry of Meh

DISTURBANCES: A disturbance will move across the state today bringing a few snow showers or flurries to the state. The best chances look to be across the northern half of the state but any accumulations look to be a half inch or less at best. Highs today will be in the 20s north to the lower and middle 30s south. The system moves away and Saturday will see some sunshine returning to the state. There will be a few more clouds across our northern counties with the departing system. Highs on Saturday will be in the upper 20s northeast to the lower 40s in the southern counties where there is a lack of any snow cover. A more potent system drops from the northwest late Sunday into Monday bringing a chance of some light snow to the state. Some snow accumulations around an inch or two are possible but the big story could be the strong winds that will be associated with this system. This could bring some blowing and drifting snow and could cause some travel issues. We’ll be monitoring this system closely. It will bring much cooler air to the state as we head into Tuesday with readings dropping below average (into the teens and 20s for highs and lows in the single digits and teens)

REST OF NEXT WEEK: The weather turns a bit quieter as the flow comes out of the northwest. This will tend to keep our temperatures just a bit below the seasonal average for this time of year in the 20s to lower 30s. There will be a few clouds from time to time but skies should generally be partly to mostly sunny through Thursday. An Arctic front looks to move through the state next Friday which may bring some flurries or light snow but the main issue will be the much colder air that looks to filter in the following weekend.

LOVIN THE FUTURE: Looking at what the model is showing us in the extended period, it has a system around Valentine’s Day (next Sunday) into the 15th (Monday) that could bring us some precipitation (likely in the form of snow). It is showing another system around the 18th and 19th that doesn’t look to be as strong as the one around Valentine’s Day. Temperatures are shown to be at or above seasonal levels during the period with some colder temperatures possible at the end with another possible outbreak of air from the Arctic. Confidence this far out however is rather low so nothing is certain this far out at this point.

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