All of Iowa, Forecast

No Named Storms Around Here

NOT MUCH HAPPENING: Outside a few flurries early today, the weather will be fairly quiet through the weekend. Highs will be in the 20s today and in the 20s and lower 30s on Saturday and Sunday. The big weather event will be out in the east with a major storm in that area. Anyone heading in that direction is going to be in for a real mess from NYC to Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington DC etc.

NEXT SYSTEM: Our next system looks to move into the state Monday into early Tuesday with a chance of some light snow at that time. It’s too early to determine actual amounts at this time, however a few inches are possible with the heaviest looking to be over the northern and northwestern counties of the state. (Still may change so stay tuned). Readings on Monday will be in the 20s and 30s for highs with readings dropping to the 20s on Tuesday as colder air moves in. Wednesday looks to be slightly below seasonal readings with partly to mostly sunny skies and readings in the 20s. Thursday brings a bit of warmer air that may boost readings well into the 30s but it looks to only last a day as a clipper system will sweep across the state but most of the moisture with this system is shown to stay north and northeast of the state. We can’t rule out an isolated snow shower in our northeastern counties but most areas will remain dry. Temperatures will head back down to the 20s to around 30 on Friday.

CANVASSING THE RUN: Looking through the rest of the GFS Model run, another brief warm up is seen on Saturday the 30th followed by another quick moving system that night into early on Sunday the 31st. This one also has a lack of any moisture with it so it doesn’t look to be a big deal at this point. Our attention then switches to a storm that will be moving in at the beginning of February. This is a very fluid situation and still needs to be monitored, but the GFS is indicating the possibility of rain, sleet and snow with this system from Caucus night (Feb 1st through the 3rd). There is still 10 days before we get to this point and models will likely change however we have seen this system for several days now, so confidence is increasing in some sort of activity at this point. Nothing too interesting follows through the end of the period, but everything in this period is somewhat speculative at this time.

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