All of Iowa, Forecast

Rather Meh Weather For a Bit

MUNDANE WEEK: The weather the rest of the week looks to be fairly mundane with only a chance of some light snow over our western counties beginning late tonight and lasting through the day on Thursday. Any accumulations look to be rather light with an inch or less possible. The rest of the state may see a few flurries but mainly cloudy skies over the next 48 hours. Highs today through Friday will be more typical of January with 20s across the state.

INTO THE WEEKEND: Perhaps a cold night Saturday morning with fairly seasonal readings seen during the day on Saturday and Sunday. Another system is shown moving into the state Sunday into Monday with a chance of some snow. It’s too early to determine amounts at this time but we’ll keep monitoring this storm. Highs during the period will be in the 20s.

NEXT WEEK: A few flurries of snow showers are possible early on Tuesday with temperatures remaining in the 20s for the most part of highs Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. A clipper system drops in late Wednesday which may bring a slight chance of some snow although moisture looks to be very limited with this system. It looks to bring another dose of cold air on Thursday with winds switching to the southwest on Friday bringing temperatures above freezing at that time.

LOOKING TOWARD FEBRUARY: Looking further into the model run, temperatures look to end the month of January above seasonal levels. A system is seen moving into the state on Sunday the 31st into 1st and 2nd of February with a chance of precipitation at that time. This is a system to keep track of mainly because February 1st is the Iowa Caucus, so there will be a lot of eyes on the state at that time. The GFS shows nothing much thereafter with seasonal temperatures and mainly calm weather outside a few flurries or snow showers toward the end of the period.

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