All of Iowa, Forecast

Snow Today, Goodness it’s ABOVE ZERO!

SNOW TODAY: A system will move through the state today into tonight with some snow possible. The heaviest accumulations look to take place across our southern and southwestern counties of the state. There, accumulations of 2-4” are possible with lighter amounts further to the north. Highs today will be the warmest we’ve seen in a few days with teens to around 20 for highs. Lows tonight will only drop into the single digits north and lower teens south.

TYPICAL WINTER: The rest of the week looks very seasonal with a slight chance of some light snow toward the end of the week but any accumulations look to be very light, no more than a dusting to a half inch late Thursday. This is the system that most people are talking about for the upcoming weekend hitting the east coast with a nor’easter. The only effects here would be some cooler temperatures but not the bitter cold we’ve had over the last few days. Highs in the teens, 20s and lower 30s are likely this week with lows in the upper single digits through the lower 20s.

NEXT WEEK AND BEYOND: The GFS shows another system that just misses the state next Tuesday into Wednesday with a chance of some snow in our southeastern counties, but this is still up in the air at this time. This will need to be watched in the coming days. This is also shows cold air coming back into the state after that with the possibility of temperatures heading back toward the goose egg once more. The GFS shows this not lasting too long as a tongue of warmer air coming in for a few days with another system moving through around the 29th and 30th of January. Temperatures are shown to modify back toward seasonal levels with another system seen approaching at the end of the period around the 3rd of February.

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