
Brightening Moods by Adding Nature

At this time of year, it is really easy for cold and snowy weather to get the best of people’s good moods, especially with the extreme cold we’ve had the past few days. I know quite a bit about long winters, being from northwestern Wisconsin, and being the plant enthusiast that I am, it does get really easy for me to miss those warm days of spring/summer. With a few tips, it’s possible to make winter a bit easier of a season. While these tips won’t turn winter into your favorite season, it can at least make it better!

Tip 1 – Look at it Logically The first thing to do is look at the length of the winter logically, is it really as long as it seems? Basically, the worst of the cold and snow can be confined in 3 months: December, January and February. These are the months when cold and snow last the longest, so when I think 3 months out of 12, it doesn’t seem as bad. People also tend to forget that within those three months, it is very typical for arctic outbreaks to be broken by warm spells. It’s not unusual to see 40s, and even 50s in January and February, causing the snowcover to melt. When it’s viewed from this point of view, winter is pretty short, and is often broken down with spells of nice weather between cold spells. I just have to remind myself: at least it’s not northwestern Wisconsin, length-wise!

Walking trail in January
Walking trail in January

Tip 2 – Go Outdoors Every Day The biggest problem is that people often get stuck spending too much time indoors staying away from the cold. This makes it worse and adds to a lowered mood because people need sunlight, fresh air, and to be outside in nature. Studies have shown that being outside in nature without phones and other distractions improve your mood and lessen stress, even if it’s just for 10 minutes each day. I am not a fan of the cold, but I still take a 2 mile walk every day, even with the case today where we had a high of 5° F. The hardest part for me is getting outside. Thereafter, I am often surprised how warm the sun can feel, when out of the wind. I’ve sat on my south-facing porch on sunny days with highs in the teens and felt comfortable. I find walks like these really do help as it allows people to still spend time outdoors, despite mother nature delivering her worst with cold weather. So, next time you’re feeling a little down or stressed, try taking a 10 minute walk through the yard or neighborhood each day for a week and see how you feel!

Forsythia Bush in March
Forsythia Bush in March

Tip 3 – Indoor Plants & Flowers Wouldn’t it be nice to look at some greenery? How about adding some houseplants around your home. You’d be surprised how much a green leafy houseplant sitting next to you at this time of the year can brighten your mood. You also get the added benefit of clean air they produce! Flowers in particular are the best for bringing in cheer and can be cut or potted. I like to grow Amaryllis which produce bright, happy, trumpet-shaped flowers that look great when there is snow outside. I’ve also done forced spring bulbs of Daffodils and Tulips. Do you have a forsythia bush outside? Try cutting a branch with flower buds on them, stick it in water, and in a week or two you have instant spring in the middle of winter!

Finding beauty in the brown landscape
Finding beauty in the brown landscape

Tip 4 – Find Beauty in the Season! We really do live in a beautiful state, and it’s often easy to forget in our everyday busy lives. How many other states can have such a change in scenery 4 times per year? Each season truly is beautiful, and that does include winter. You just have to look a little harder to find it. One of my favorite views in the garden now is the way a new snowfall shows off last years old seedheads and grasses. Even people who don’t like winter admit there is a certain beauty to the way the lower sun angle beats across the landscape, or the way snow-covered juniper trees shine with a fresh winter snowfall. The most exciting part about this is how in just a month or two, we get to watch the ice and snow recede away into an exciting new season filled with green grass, fragrant flowers, and milder temperatures. Just think, most places have to look at brown lawns for about the length of time we see our snowcover. Isn’t there is something special about watching the first Snowdrop or Crocus of the season blooming after seeing snowcover just the week or sometimes days before? Iowa is perfect for that! Winter isn’t my favorite season, but I’ve found with these things, it can make it bearable, even somewhat exciting. So if you’ve been a little down about the weather lately, try a few of these tips and remember: spring is not far away now!