All of Iowa, Forecast

More Precipitation for After Christmas

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HERE COMES ANOTHER ONE: Another storm will be moving into the state late this afternoon into tonight and Saturday. This will bring some more snow across the northern and western counties of the state with some rain and perhaps a bit of a mix across the rest of the state. Today will be mainly cloudy with a few peaks of sunshine here and there, but they will be few and far between with the clouds coming in with the next storm. Highs in the 30s to lower 40s will be common with the colder temperatures in areas with a snowpack. The heaviest snowfall looks to stay along and north of a Sioux City to Decorah line with some decent snows across South Dakota and Minnesota. The system will move off to the east as we head into Sunday with only the far southeastern counties seeing much precipitation through midday. Skies will slowly clear but it will be much cooler with 20s and lower 30s likely for highs.

NEXT WEEK: The system we’ve been watching for Monday and Tuesday next week is now seen missing the state entirely. We may see a few flurries or snow showers in the southeastern counties but any significant precipitation will stay south and east of the state. It will be remain cool but not too uncommon for late December with 20s and 30s for highs. We may see a few flurries on Thursday of next week otherwise the rest of the week looks rather benign with seasonal temperatures.

INTO 2016: The extended period looks rather benign as well with little if any precipitation occurring during the period. The northwesterly flow we spoke of yesterday looks to continue on this run with some brief shots of cooler air but not overly cold. These shots would be preceded with some flurry or snow shower activity that would bring minor accumulations if any across the state. At the end of the period, a colder shot of air is seen moving into the state that could drop readings below seasonal with a better chance of some snow at that time. We’ll see if this continues on future runs or changes. Merry Christmas.

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