All of Iowa, Forecast

More Rain and Snow Possible

SEASONS GREETINGS: A disturbance will move into the state with a chance of some rain and snow. Accumulations look to be minor at this time. Highs today will be in the 30s to around 40. Christmas Day looks quiet for the most part with partly to mostly cloudy skies around. There will be some peaks of sunshine but that will be few and far between with another system coming in later Christmas night into Saturday. Highs will be in the 30s to lower and middle 40s. Speaking of the storm this weekend, rain and snow will come in Christmas night into Saturday. The best chance of seeing any snow will be over the north and west once again. Colder air comes in Sunday and Monday and this will also suppress the storm further to the south for a longer period. With this colder air, Sunday and Monday look to be quite chilly with highs in the teens and 20s and lows in the single digits and teens. The system is shown to move northeastward late Monday night into Tuesday but only skirts the southeastern third of the state with some snow. With this big change in the model data, our confidence levels has dropped with this storm. We’ll keep watching this system nevertheless.

JANUARY: As we head into the new year, we also see something new that we didn’t see yesterday. A northwesterly flow coming over the state. We have seen this plenty over the last few winters and the GFS wants to bring it back for another run. This would bring in clipper like systems (although this run shows them to be weak and with little moisture) and colder temperatures lasting a day before moderating to seasonal levels. There is still some Pacific air that tries to come into the state but this run is a lot colder that what we saw yesterday. Nevertheless, the first week of the year looks mainly quiet at this time, but with regards to the changes from day to day this far out, many more are possible.

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