All of Iowa, Forecast

Welcome to December

SLOWLY IMPROVING: Some light snow will continue across the northern counties of the state today as the storm system lifts off to the northeast. Light accumulations will be possible during the day mainly over the northern counties with a dusting possible as far south as Interstate 80. Highs today will be in the 30s and lower 40s with mainly cloudy skies outside the snow and flurry chances. As the system moves away we should see a return of the sun on Wednesday and this looks to last through the rest of the week and into the weekend with temperatures slowly warming back into the 40s by the end of the week. This should help to melt the snow that has fallen in the northwestern third of the state.

FESTIVE TIME: Looking at next week and beyond, the weather pattern becomes a bit more active early next week with a weak disturbance moving through Tuesday and Wednesday with a chance of some precipitation. It’s too early to tell the type of precipitation at this time. It continues to stay warmer than average into next week with readings likely in the 40s for highs. The GFS has the warm and quiet weather coming to an end around the 11th and 12th with a system that could bring a decent chance of precipitation, both rain and snow, with much colder temperatures following in the wake of the system. We’ll be watching this in the days ahead. The colder temperatures are shown to last through the end of the period (16th) with chance of some light snow possible at that time.

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