Fall Foliage Report, Gardening

Fall Color Update #5 Colors Peaking Now

Fall color map

Now is the time for Fall coloring viewing in Iowa because it is just about as good as its going to get! Peak color is now being observed in northern and even parts of central Iowa including Waterloo, Dubuque, Mason City, Ames, Fort Dodge and Sioux City, Leaving the southern part Iowa including Des Moines, Cedar Rapids, Omaha/Council Bluffs and Iowa City areas in high color status. The same can be said for neighboring areas and states. Areas in the far north such as North Minnesota and Wisconsin will go past week this week as many trees are losing leaves here.

Great Western Trail color Cumming, IA Oct. 22nd
Great Western Trail color Cumming, IA Oct. 22nd

Now I will say it is true that fall color isn’t as good as past years. However it is getting better and brighter this week. Progression was really made recently and many trees seemingly turned over just a few days. 70% of all trees in this area of south Iowa are now in color or will be in the next few days with peak by this weekend. Most trees are turning now and creating a nice display with the remaining green late turners. Fall color is still the best in towns & cities then it is in the country. Newer suburbs that have abundant Maples are even stunning at this time. The following trees and colors are being observed: Maples are shades of red, yellow and orange. Some Red Maples are showing ember red colors. Oaks are beautiful shades of red, orange and russets. Hickories, Elms, Mulberry are various shades of are Yellow or Golden. Dogwood shrubs are purple and Burning Bush is bright fiery red.

This weekend will be the time for peak fall color viewing! Take a drive through Iowa’s Parks, countryside, and charming historic towns & modern metro areas. Eastern Iowa’s Mississippi River Region around cities such as Dubuque and Davenport are glowing with beauty right now. As is southern Iowa’s rolling fields and forests that stretch from Ottumwa to Winterset. In central Iowa, Enjoy stunning views of the Des Moines skyline lit up by wonderful shades of fall color from its own urban tree canopy – Fall is here!