
Severe Thunderstorms Possible Later Today in Northern Iowa

A cold front positioned across Minnesota and Iowa will be the stage for scattered thunderstorm development later today across the region. Ahead of this cold front will be a favorable environment for severe weather, including a moisture-rich atmosphere with dew points in the 60s and 70s leading to moderate-to-strong instability, weak-to-moderate shear, and frontogenetic forcing.

Scattered thunderstorms should begin to develop by early-to-mid afternoon as a weak shortwave moves into the area. This will develop into clusters and bands and be capable primarily of large hail to the size of ping pongs and damaging winds  to 70 MPH. An isolated tornado cannot be ruled out and flooding is also a big concern with the heavy rainfall potential.

By evening, things should become linear and the threat will lessen as the sun goes down. However – flooding is just as big as an issue as the severe weather is.

Stay tuned to the Iowa Weather Network for the latest updates!