All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report August 26th 2015: Reading, Writing and Rain

RAIN ON THE WAY: More sunshine in the forecast today with readings in the 70s to near 80 for the state. A new storm system looks to move into the state Thursday afternoon through the day on Friday. This will bring a chance of showers and thunderstorms to the area. We should remain mostly dry for Thursday except the far western counties may see an afternoon shower or storm with better chances as we head into the evening and overnight hours. Highs on Thursday will be in the 70s and lower 80s across the state with partly to mostly sunny skies to start with an increase in the cloudiness as we head into the afternoon hours. The rain will hold temperatures down on Friday with readings in the upper 60s to the lower and middle 70s possible. This does not look like an all day rain but even without rain falling, it will be mostly cloudy for most of the state.

WARMING UP: The second half of the weekend and into the early part of next week will feature sunshine once more and temperatures that will be inching upward each day. We will start with readings in the 70s and lower 80s and slowly rise into the lower and middle 80s by the middle of next week as a ridge begins to take shape in the area. It will be mostly sunny throughout the period with most of the precipitation chances staying to our west and northwest.

DOWN THE ROAD: Looking into the extended period, the GFS Model shows a cold front trying to make its way into the state toward the end of next week. This could bring some rain chances to the western counties of the state while the eastern counties remain mainly dry due to the ridge that will be just to the east of the area. The weather pattern turns more zonal as we head further into September with chances of precipitation possible at least a few times and temperatures turning more seasonal as well. We’ll keep watching it.

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