All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report July 31st 2015: Watching for Storms

A BIT OF RAIN: Still plenty of sunshine across the state today with readings well into the 80s for the most part. It will be a bit more humid than yesterday so it will feel a bit more uncomfortable if you are outside. Heading into the weekend, there is a chance of some overnight showers and storms Saturday night into Sunday morning and a slight chance again Sunday night into Monday morning across the state. The daylight hours on both days will be mainly dry outside any remaining activity during the morning hours on Sunday. Readings both days will be in the 80s but that could be tempered down Sunday if we see rain lasting longer into the day. Rainfall amounts of around a half inch are possible, but some areas may get heavier totals than that. Some may not get rain at all.

COOLER NEXT WEEK: Heading into next week, the GFS is showing shower and storm chances continuing Monday and Tuesday, however we’re not confident on that just yet. Nevertheless, temperatures will be a bit cooler as air from Canada will be moving in from the north. We should see readings in the 70s and lower to middle 80s across the state with lower humidity (unless we see more activity). The GFS shows another system moving along the northwesterly flow that looks to be fairly dominant next week around Thursday into Friday of next week. This would bring more shower and storm chances at that time. It’s too early to pinpoint anything, but we’ll keep watching it over the next few days.

HAVE FUN AT THE FAIR: As we look further into August, which takes us up to the beginning of the Iowa State Fair on August 13th, more cool Canadian air is seen moving into the state next weekend (the 8th and 9th of August). This would likely mean readings in the 70s to lower 80s for highs and lows in the 50s to lower 60s if this occurs. The ridge over the southwest looks to build toward the state toward the beginning of the fair around the 12th-14th range. This would bring readings back into the 80s and perhaps a few lower 90s as well. The GFS shows the weather pattern remaining somewhat active with some storm systems close by that could effect the first days of the state fair in Des Moines. There’s plenty that can still change so stay tuned.

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