All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report July 24th 2015: Sun and Showers and Storms

CHANCES OF RAIN: We’re heading into a more active period over the weekend and into next week with several days of showers and thunderstorms possible. These will not be all day rains by any means and most of the daylight hours will be dry, however we can’t rule out the chances of showers and storms on any day between today and next Wednesday when a cold front will sweep across the state. It will be warm and humid today into Saturday with some slightly cooler readings on Sunday through Wednesday. Some of the storms could produce some significant rainfall amounts but on average we could see anywhere between a half and one inch of rain with isolated heavier amounts through Wednesday. Some of the storms tonight into Saturday could become strong to possibly severe as well.

TOWARD NEXT WEEKEND: The cooler and drier conditions look to last through Thursday and into Friday with mainly sunny skies and temperatures at or slightly below seasonal norms for the end of July. Another system looks to move into the area next weekend with more showers and thunderstorms possible. We’ll keep watching it.

LOOKING AT AUGUST: Looking farther into the extended period, a broad trough swings through the area which should keep temperatures at or below seasonal levels for at least the first week of the month if this verifies. A ridge over the southwest would look to keep the state in a northwesterly flow which would bring a few systems through the state, notably one around the 5th and 6th. The model shows temperatures warming toward the end of the period with perhaps another system approaching past the end of the period, but this is just a guess and not a forecast at this point.

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