All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report June 30th 2015: Goodbye June, Hello July

SMOKY SKIES: A lot of smoke from wildfires up in Canada will continue across the state today. We will be dry during the day with plenty of filtered sunshine through the smoke. Highs today will range from the upper 70s northeast to the upper 80s southwest. More showers and thunderstorms will be possible later tonight mainly in our southwestern counties with a disturbance moving through. This will continue into Wednesday with only the far eastern counties remaining somewhat dry for the most part. Wednesday will feature readings in the middle 70s to middle 80s from east to west. Thursday looks to be dry for the most part except in the far western counties with Friday being dry over the entire state. Readings look to remain in the 70s and 80s through the end of the week.

SHOOTIN’ UP THE WORKS: As we head into the Independence Day weekend, the weather looks dry for the most part with only slight chances of seeing any precipitation mainly on Sunday in the far southern counties of the state. Readings will be pleasant for this time of year with temperatures in the upper 70s through the middle 80s. Great weather for being outside. As we head into the following week on Monday and Tuesday, a cold front will move in bringing more showers and thunderstorms to the area. It will also bring cooler air into the state into the middle of next week.

INTO THE HEART OF SUMMER: As we look at the extended period, taking us into the middle of July, the weather pattern still favors the northwesterly flow to start with temperatures stay at or slightly below seasonal levels for most of next week. The GFS is showing the weather to be relatively dry but this could change in subsequent model runs. Thereafter the weather pattern favors storm systems every other day through the end of the period. Timing these this far out is difficult but we’ll watch nonetheless. Temperatures will stay near seasonal levels through the end of the period.

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