All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report June 23rd 2015: Quiet Today, Not Tomorrow

MORE ACTIVE WEATHER: There is more active weather in the forecast by Wednesday with another system moving along a nearly stationary front over the region. This will bring the chances of showers and thunderstorms back to the state as early as late tonight through the day on Wednesday. Beforehand we’ll have a partly to mostly sunny day across the state with lower humidity and highs in the upper 70s to lower 80s. The showers and storms will move through the state on Wednesday and may linger into Thursday as well. Some of the storms could become strong to severe with large hail and damaging winds being the main threats at this time. Highs on Wednesday will be warmer and the humidity will be returning as well. Highs in the 80s and lower 90s will be commonplace on Wednesday. We will see the chances of precipitation begin to wane on Friday however there is still some risk of a shower or storm around the area. We’ll watch for any changes on that in the next day or so.

WEEKEND: Temperatures will turn cooler as we head into the weekend with the flow turning to the northwest. This will bring high temperatures down into the 70s to around 80 for most of the state. It looks to be mainly sunny on Saturday. Sunday, however will bring a system in from the northwest. This will bring the showers and thunderstorms back into the state at that time. Severe weather chances with that system look low at this time, but we still have plenty of time to watch it in the coming days.

ON INTO JULY: As we look into next week and beyond, the northwesterly flow looks to continue as we move into the month of July. The GFS is showing a system moving through the area around the 1st or 2nd with showers and storms possible at that time. Another system is shown to move through around the 4th with some scattered chances of precipitation thereafter as the ridge over the west breaks down and moves over the southern half of the country once again.

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