
More Severe Weather Possible Today

Unsettled weather is expected to continue on this Memorial Day after rainfall overspread the state for much of Sunday. A low pressure center will be centered near the Iowa and Minnesota border with an associated warm front extending off to the east and a cold front to the west. Much warmer weather is expected with temperatures into the upper 70s and low 80s thanks to generally southerly winds.

A cap will likely be in place early in the day which should hold off storms until early-to-mid afternoon. As peak heating occurs and instability works into the area, the cap should begin to erode and discrete cells form in Nebraska and trek northeast-to-east. These storms will likely be entering a volatile environment with large hail, damaging winds, and even an isolated tornado all possible. Storms should continue into the evening before weakening by the late evening and the overnight hours.

Stay tuned to the Iowa Weather Network for the latest information!