All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report May 25th 2015: The Rain Honor

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THE WEEK AHEAD: Another day of showers and thunderstorms across the state today. There will be some peeks of sunshine especially in the eastern and southeastern counties of the state. This will help to boost the readings there into the lower 80s while the rest of the state will see more clouds around with temperatures in the 70s. Some of the storms that may form especially in our southeastern counties may become strong to possibly severe later this afternoon into tonight. The chances of precipitation look to linger into Tuesday as well with readings still in the 70s for the most part. Wednesday and Thursday will be drier as the sun returns to the state with readings likely remaining in the 70s. The next system moves back in on Friday with more showers and thunderstorms possible at that time.

SOGGY WEEKEND POSSIBLE: The weekend upcoming looks rather soggy again, however there will be some dry time intermixed with the shower and storm chances. Temperatures will be in the 70s to near 80 for the most part, however those temperatures may be dependent on any possible sunshine we may get during the dry periods. It’s too early to determine any possible severe weather chances at this time, but we’ll keep monitoring the situation as we get closer.

JUNE BOON: As we look into the extended period which takes us into the first week of June, the GFS is showing some fairly seasonal readings to start with another chance of seeing some rainfall around the 3rd and 4th of the month. Another system around the 7th and 8th of June may bring us another chance of precipitation at that time. Outside of that, the next two weeks (at this point) look to feature relatively seasonal readings with several chances of showers and storms during the period. No signs of any heat waves as yet.

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