All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report April 30th 2015: One More Day

MORE SUNSHINE: Another day of sunshine across the state today with readings in the 60s and 70s. It will be a bit cooler in our eastern counties with some cooler air moving through the Great Lakes but it will remain mainly sunny for everyone today. As we head into Friday, a system will be approaching from the west. This will bring us a chance of some showers and thunderstorms. The chances don’t look that great at this time but we can’t rule out some rain Friday into Friday night for anyone in the state.

MIXED WEEKEND: As we look into the weekend, the chances of showers and thunderstorms start to increase a bit, however this will not be all day rain chances by any means. There will be some dry times especially on Saturday. Sunshine could be limited on Sunday with the chances of rain and storms. Readings this weekend will be dependent on the amount of possible sunshine we may get. We should see readings well into the 70s for the most part, however any sunshine could boost readings close to or over 80 in some areas.

ACTIVE NEXT WEEK: The GFS on this run is showing several days of showers and thunderstorms possible across the state. There will be some dry periods involved, however there looks to be several rounds of showers and thunderstorms possible through next Friday across the state. A storm system Wednesday and Thursday may enhance the chances at that time. Readings next week will be in the 60s and 70s, however these may differ on the amount of clouds and rain that may hold temperatures down on certain days. We’ll have to see if this may lead to some flooding issues later on next week but at this time it’s not out of the question if amounts run high through next week.

THE IDES OF MAY: Looking into the extended period which takes us into the middle of May, the weather pattern looks to calm for a few days before more active weather returns around the 13th through the 15th. Temperatures will be fairly close to seasonal levels from what it looks like at this time, with some minor variations possible due to clouds and precipitation.

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