All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report April 22nd 2015: Sunshine on My Shoulders

SUNSHINE AND COLD REMAIN: Colder than average temperatures will continue for the rest of the week, however sunshine will be in full force today and tomorrow as well which should help to some degree. Highs today and Thursday will be in the 50s and lower 60s across the state. Clouds will be on the increase Friday as a storm system will approach from the west and southwest. There is a better chance of seeing some showers and storms across the state Friday into Saturday, however the best chances will remain along and south of Interstate 80, although anyone could get some wet weather. Highs will be remain in the 50s to lower 60s with the amount of clouds around keeping the temperatures down.

MORE RAIN?: Sunday should see a break with partly to mostly sunny skies around the state. Highs will be in the 50s and 60s. Another system will be approaching as we head into the new work week on Monday into Tuesday with showers and thunderstorms possible. This could be the next chance for the entire state to see some rainfall at this time outside the system Friday and Saturday. The GFS shows this system stalling just south and east of the state next Wednesday which may prolong the rainfall across the state at that time. We’ll watch to see if this trend continues in upcoming model runs. If this were to happen, temperatures on Wednesday may struggle to get out of the 40s in many areas and with cold air aloft, some of the precipitation may mix with some graupel. However this is still a week away and we have plenty of time to watch it.

LOOKING INTO MAY: Looking into the extended period, temperatures will be at or above seasonal levels for early May for the most part. This run of the GFS is a bit calmer with only a few systems toward the end of the period after the 5th or so. Nothing big or trending at this time and the model is showing the chances of a frost or freeze in early May to be unlikely, however this could change in coming model runs.

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