All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report April 18th 2015: Rain Here, Rain There

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RAINY WEEKEND: The threat of showers and thunderstorms will be occurring all weekend across the state, but there will be some dry period mixed in as well. Highs today will be in the 60s and lower 70s with the warmest readings in the eastern counties where rain may not move in until late in the day. As we head into Sunday a cold front will sweep across the state with showers and perhaps a thunderstorm possible. Readings again will be in the 60s. Rainfall amounts around a half to one inch are possible but some areas may get more and others may get less than that.

COLD WEEK: Brisk winds out of the northwest will usher in the new work week on Monday with highs in the 50s to near 60. There will be some clouds over the northeastern counties of the state with some peaks of sunshine elsewhere. It looks to stay mainly dry for the week as temperatures slowly creep back up through the week. We should see readings back into the 60s by Friday as the next best shower and storm chance moves into the state at that time. This looks to last into the first half of next Saturday with some colder temperatures returning next Sunday.

MAY WE LOOK AHEAD: Looking into the extended period which takes us into the first couple days of May, temperatures will warm back to near or perhaps above seasonal levels before the next system rolls in late on the 28th into the 29th. Another system right on its heels looks to move in on the 30th and into the 1st of May with showers and thunderstorms possible. Timing on this is still up in the air as well as the strength of said system. May 2nd and 3rd at this point, look to be relatively dry with seasonal readings although this may change in future model runs.

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