All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report April 17th 2015: Rainy Weekend

RAINY DAYS: Showers and a few thunderstorms will be the norm as we head into the weekend. Today however, skies will be partly sunny for the most part outside the western counties where more clouds and the chance of rain will be greater. Highs today will be in the 70s across the state. As we head into the weekend, the rain will overspread the state. This will hold readings down into the 60s to lower 70s across the state with mainly cloudy skies outside any rain chances. Severe weather is not expected, however some storms on Sunday may become strong in far southern and southeast Iowa. The front will move through on Sunday into Sunday night. We may see some lingering showers in the eastern counties early on Monday with colder air rushing in thereafter. Monday will be quite different with readings in the 50s to near 60s with partly to mostly cloudy skies.

ON UPWARD: Tuesday looks to be mainly dry across the state with partly to mostly sunny skies around and highs in the 50s and 60s. The dry period looks to end through as another system will be approaching from the west on Wednesday into Thursday with another chance of showers and thunderstorms at that time. This looks to last through next Friday at least before drying out and cooling down once again.

MOVING ALONG: Looking into the extended period, temperatures look to rebound before another system moves into the area around the 29th and 30th of April with showers and thunderstorms possible. Seasonal temperatures look to return as we head into May with another system approaching at the end of the model period (2nd) with some showers and storms breaking out in the Plains at that time.

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