All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report April 16th 2015: The Eye At The Sky

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BECOMING SHOWERY: Outside the western counties of the state, most saw dry weather and partly sunny skies yesterday. The same can be said for today as well. Outside the far western counties, most of the state will be dry again today with more clouds around than yesterday however there will be peaks of sunshine for time to time with the best chances in the eastern counties. Highs today will be in the 60s to lower 70s. Friday into the weekend, this slow moving storm system will finally move through the state bringing with it a chance of showers and thunderstorms each day. This will not be all day rains but rain could be possible at any time between Friday and Sunday across the state. Temperatures will be held down into the 60s through this period with mainly cloudy skies outside any chances of precipitation. Severe weather is not expected with this system.

COOLING ON DOWN: Temperatures will cool down as we head into next week as cold air will filter in from the north and northwest. Highs in the 50s and perhaps even some upper 40s are possible Monday and Tuesday. The GFS does not have the disturbance we’ve been seeing coming in Tuesday night into Wednesday now, but does have a system coming in Wednesday night into Next Thursday with a chance of rain at that time. Temperatures should be warm enough for that to all be in the form of rain, but we’ll watch for any changes in the coming days.

MAY DAY, MAY DAY: As we look into the extended period, which takes us to the 1st day of May, temperatures look to rebound by next Friday the 24th ahead of a system that may bring some showers and thunderstorms to the state on Saturday. This would be followed by another shot of colder air on the 26th. This colder pattern is shown to last through the 29th or the 30th before readings rebound ahead of another system that will bring some showers and perhaps a thunderstorm on May 1st. Still plenty of time to watch for any changes and any trends that may arise during this period, but note, the typical last frost for the state is from about now in far southeast Iowa through early to Mid-May in far northern Iowa, so cold shots are still possible this time of year.

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