All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report April 13th 2015: Sunshine Days

SEASONALLY SPEAKING: Seasonal temperatures will be the norm this week with several days of sunshine ahead as well. A few early morning showers will give way to sunshine later on with highs in the 60s across the state. More of the same on Tuesday with sunshine around and highs in the 60s to lower 70s. A system will move close to the state on Wednesday which may bring a slight chance of a shower or storm around. This looks to last through Friday with the best chances of seeing precipitation over the southern and southwestern counties of the state with a system that will be slow to move over the Central and Southern Plains. Outside of that, there will be some peaks of sunshine intermixed with the clouds and possible precipitation chances. Highs will be mainly in the 60s to lower 70s Wednesday through Friday.

INTO THE WEEKEND: As we look into the weekend, the GFS is showing that the chances of precipitation look to increase across the state with that system to our south beginning to slowly lift out. This does not look to be all day rains but the peaks of sun will be few and far between this weekend. Highs will be in the 60s. Severe weather looks unlikely at this point.

NEARING APRIL’S END: Looking into the extended period, cooler air filters into the state next Monday and Tuesday, with a disturbance coming through next Tuesday night into next Wednesday (22nd) with a chance of some precipitation. As mentioned yesterday, with the colder air coming in and the timing of this system, would not be surprised if some of the precipitation fell as a wintry mix, but there’s still plenty of time for things to change. Cooler than average readings look to continue through the 26th or 27th before readings look to rebound to near seasonal levels at that point. A few systems are also shown to come through but timing on those is up in the air being this far out. We’ll keep watching to see if this cold pattern does set up next week in coming model runs.

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