This week temperatures have been quite cool, starting off in the 30s for highs Tuesday last week when we had rain, and slowly moderating to the lower 60s today. Plants had a much slower progressing due to this from previous weeks. The only exception to this being the grass, which has seen a quick progression with the much needed rainfall we’ve seen. The grass seemingly greened up overnight despite colder temperatures!

There have not been any new trees or shrubs that have started to break dormancy, but some that have started include Lilacs, Willows, Maples, Magnolias and Redbuds. When looking across the landscape, the green hue coming from those early trees can definitely be noticed now, but even with this, most trees appear leafless. Magnolias are so close to blooming! This could be the week, thanks to the warmer weather expected in the coming days. My Northern Gold forsythia has reached full bloom. I was surprised that this was the first to bloom, as it is on a shaded northeastern part of the lawn. My other Forsythia is on a southern exposure, and this one started blooming nearly a week after the shaded one. I also noticed that this is the only one blooming in town.

This week, the first of the standard Daffodils bloomed in my landscape, the “Ice Follies” Daffodil, This is one of the most reliable Daffodils that can be planted right now, along with standard yellow. Ice Follies started blooming as of yesterday (March 28th) in my landscape, but I have seen other standards around town blooming much earlier. Standard yellow is starting to open today, however yellow and red centers have yet to be seen. With the warm weather coming this week, Daffodils will likely quickly reach full bloom in only a few days.

The spring garden is really coming together nicely. Daffodils are joining Siberian Squill (blue flowers) and more are coming each day. I can tell the rain from last week and the warm weather this upcoming week is really going to lead to into explosive growth. Just from today’s sunshine and 62.F high, 3 more daffodils opened today. Other flowers should soon join this collection as well as Hyacinths, the rest of the Daffodils, and even Tulips are really close to opening or are starting to send up flower buds. The Forsythia bush pictured to the right in the photo should reach full bloom before the week is up. Expect a very fast progression in spring growth this week as we now have the moisture and warmth we need. I may need to update faster due to how fast it will progress with the 70s to near 80 on Wednesday.