All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report March 25th 2015: Cool Days Ahead

COOLER TEMPS: Another cloudy day in store today but readings look to be a bit warmer than it was on Tuesday with readings in the 40s and 50s across the state. This will be short lived as colder air will return and looks to last the rest of the week. This will bring readings down into the 30s and 40s for highs with lows in the 20s and perhaps some upper teens as well. Skies will be partly to mostly sunny during this period.

WEEKEND: Temperatures will warm back into the 50s and a few 60s across the state this weekend ahead of another system that will drop in from the northwest on Sunday. This will bring a chance of some showers to the state at that time. Readings will cool slightly Monday before warming back up again.

INTO APRIL: Looking into the extended period which takes us into the first week of April, the GFS is showing a storm around the 1st and 2nd that could bring some precipitation to the state mainly in the form of rain. The pattern through the first week to ten days of the month looks fairly progressive with several systems moving through with chances of precipitation every 2-3 days or so. Temperatures look to remain near seasonal levels during this period with readings likely held down due to rainfall and clouds around.

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