All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report February 22nd 2015: Cold Temperatures Still Around

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GUESS WHAT, IT’S STILL COLD: More cold air is moving back into the state today. Winds will be quite breezy leading to wind chills well below zero for most of the state. Highs today will struggle to reach the single digits and teens with skies becoming partly to mostly sunny by the afternoon hours. Tonight readings well drop well below zero with some areas in the northeastern counties dipping into the -10s. Highs on Monday will be similar to today with single digits and teens. Tuesday, temperatures will boost up ahead of another clipper system that will move through late Tuesday into Tuesday night bringing with it some chance of light snow or flurries. This will be followed by another batch of cold air that will last through the rest of the week into the following weekend.

NEXT WEEKEND: A storm will be gathering across the Southwest during the weekend. This along with another disturbance will move in late Saturday into Sunday with a chance of some light snow. The GFS shows the first disturbance moving off Sunday with the system over the Southwest moving in early the following week with some more activity at that time. We have seen this on other runs earlier on (12 and 18z GFS) but the timing and strength have been different each time. We’ll continue monitoring this system in the coming days.

MARCHING INTO MARCH: As we look into the extended period, the weather pattern continues to look active after next weekend’s possible event with several more systems possibly impacting the area. Temperatures still look to average slightly below seasonal levels but the trend is that the big Arctic outbreaks may be easing up as this point. We’ll see if this continues on forthcoming model runs, however March may be roaring for the first week of the month.

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