All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report February 19th 2015: It’s Still Cold

MORE COLD AND SOME SNOW: Not a whole lot of change in our thinking with regards to the next couple of days. Temperatures will still be well below seasonal levels today with highs in the single digits and teens across the state with partly to mostly sunny skies around. A disturbance will move through the area tonight into Friday that will bring a little light snow to the area. Any accumulations should stay under an inch at this time. Readings will boost up into the teens northeast to the lower and middle 30s in the western counties as a tongue of warmer air tries to move into the area. However a storm this weekend that will move just to the south of the state could skirt the southern counties with some snow as well. It’s too early to determine snow amounts with that system but we’ll keep watch on it. Another batch of cold air comes down Sunday and another clipper arrives on Tuesday that will bring some more light snow to the area at that time as well.

LOOKING INTO MARCH: The GFS shows that cold pattern breaking as we head into March with more seasonal like temperatures for the first few days of the month. There are a few systems that look to be close to the area but timing these out this far in advance would be rather useless at this point. The trend of the cold temperatures breaking down in about 10 days is still on track at this time. We can be hopeful of that.

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