All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report February 15th 2015: Cold Air Rules the Roost

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COLD CONTINUES TO RULE: Cold air will be ruling the area for the next week or more with no signs of letting up for the foreseeable future. A system will skirt just to the south of the state later tonight into Monday which may bring some flurries to our southern counties with any accumulating snow likely staying to our south. A few more flurries are possible on Tuesday with another reinforcing shot of cold air coming down through the end of the week. Highs during the period will be in the teens and 20s for highs with some days only seeing upper single digits. Lows will be in the single digits above and below zero. We may see colder readings if the sky can clear and the winds go calm.

A STORM TO WATCH: As we head into the extended period, there is a system that will need to be monitored in the coming days if trends continue. A system coming in from the west and southwest could bring some accumulating snow to the area by late next Sunday night through Monday into Tuesday. This would be followed by another blast of Arctic air from the north. This would likely be the next best chance of seeing any widespread accumulating snow across the state and any cold air that comes in after a fresh snow may bring readings down lower than what we’ll see this week. However things can still change and this system could look weaker or could be in a different spot and entirely miss the state altogether. A few days ago, the storm that will move to our south was shown to be moving over us so the track of this system will be paramount to what we may get a week from now.

LATER ON: The colder than average temperature pattern looks to break as we near the end of the month and head into Meteorological Spring (March) but readings will still remain slightly below average. A few systems are possible but timing these and the strength of them at this point is rather worthless. We’ll see if the trend continues of the pattern shift as we head into March.

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