Month: January 2015

All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report January 23rd 2015: Clippers Arriving Often

TRIO OF CLIPPERS: Several clipper systems will be moving through the area over the next couple of days. One will come through late tonight that could bring some precipitation mainly over the northeastern counties of the state. The chances are low but we can’t rule out a few flurries or snow showers in those areas. …

All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report January 22nd 2015: Clipper Convoy

CLIPPERS ON ARRIVAL: The continued string of clippers looks to continue as we head into the weekend and early next week. Each clipper looks to bring some chance of precipitation to the state. The strongest looks to be the one on Sunday with other clipper systems coming through Friday and again on Tuesday. It’s too …

All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report January 20th 2015: Disturbance Dilemma

DISTURBANCE ALLEY: This week will be a plethora of disturbances that will bring some chances of precipitation to the state. Two in the next two days could bring some rain snow mix to the state. Some snow will accumulate over the northern counties of the state. Accumulations around an inch are possible there with some …

All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report January 19th 2015: Where Has Winter Gone?

NOTHING BIG: The week ahead looks rather dull weather wise across the state with no real big systems moving through the area. That doesn’t mean that it will be dry. A disturbance on Tuesday which may last into Wednesday as well may bring some light precipitation to the area. Some of it may be in …

All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report January 18th 2015: More Melting on the Way

MOSTLY BORING WEEK AHEAD: No real big storm systems in the offing as we head into the new work week. There will be a few weak disturbances moving in from the northwest on Tuesday and again Wednesday that could bring some light snow to the state. This will be hit and miss and some areas …