All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report January 20th 2015: Disturbance Dilemma

DISTURBANCE ALLEY: This week will be a plethora of disturbances that will bring some chances of precipitation to the state. Two in the next two days could bring some rain snow mix to the state. Some snow will accumulate over the northern counties of the state. Accumulations around an inch are possible there with some totals possibly approaching 2 inches. The next one on Wednesday could bring some light snow again as well. Highs today will be in the 30s north and the 40s south. Another system late in the week could bring some clouds but precipitation doesn’t look likely at this point. Another clipper on Sunday could bring some more light snow to the area as well. Some accumulations are certainly possible with that system as well. Readings are likely to slide back to near seasonal levels as we head into the weekend.

BEYOND: This northwesterly flow looks to continue into next week as well with another system that may skirt the area to the northeast with some precipitation next Tuesday. Readings will boost up ahead of that system on Monday and Tuesday but then head back down thereafter. Looking further out, the GFS shows the northwesterly flow continuing even through the end of the month and into February. We could see some warmer readings toward the beginning of February however the models have been inconsistent with this. Several more clipper like systems are possible during this period which will bring some precipitation each time. We could see some decent snowfalls during the next two weeks if this is correct and that would help as the snowfall this season has been below average across the state.

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