All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report January 16th 2015: Two Day Warmth

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WARM DAYS: No big systems to worry about for the next few days across the state. A few days of warmer than average temperatures with partly to mostly sunny skies around. Highs today will be in the 30s and 40s across most of the state. The southwestern counties could easily get into the lower and perhaps even middle 50s. A cold front will move through the state on Saturday but we should still be able to squeak out another warm day in the 30s and 40s across the state. There will be more clouds around but it should remain dry. Any precipitation that may fall will likely be confined to Minnesota and Wisconsin.

NEXT WEEK: Temperatures will warm back above seasonal levels as we head into Monday, however another cold front with limited moisture will move through the state late Monday into Tuesday morning that could squeeze out a flurry or two which may linger even into Wednesday as well. What it will do is bring temperatures back down into the 20s to around 30 for highs and lows back into the upper single digits through the teens through the rest of the week.

ENDING JANUARY: Looking into the extended period which goes through the end of the month, the GFS is showing that readings will be close to seasonal levels for the end of January with a few systems around. Most of the systems will be coming in from the northwest and come every few days or so with some colder air in behind them. The GFS is showing that arctic air may try and organize a push back into the country toward the end of the month or perhaps into early February but we’ll wait to see if future model runs indicate this.

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