All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report December 1st 2014: Welcome to December

TRANQUIL WEEK AHEAD: It will be fairly calm and fairly dry across the state for the new work week and the first week of December. Only a slight chance of some precipitation Thursday in the far southeastern counties is the only fly in the ointment at this point. The week will start out cold however, with readings today struggling to get out of the single digits far north with teens and lower to middle 20s elsewhere. It will warm a bit Tuesday and Wednesday with 20s and 30s for highs, with even warmer readings possibly cracking the 40s in the southwestern counties by the end of the week. Skies will be partly to mostly sunny during the week with only Thursday seeing more clouds around with the system that will be to our south. Even as we head into Saturday, the weather continues to remain quiet and somewhat mild by this point with 30s to lower 40s possible across the state.

CLOSER TO CHRISTMAS: As we look toward the latter half of the weekend and further into the extended period, another disturbance may move south of the state once again on Sunday bringing only some cloudiness and perhaps a slight chance of precipitation across the southern counties of the state. We’ll watch for any changes in the coming days regarding the track. Looking forward, the pattern looks somewhat more active with several systems possibly impacting the area with some precipitation, mainly in the form of snow, however the timing may change along with several other factors as we move along as well. The GFS is showing that readings will be near seasonal levels through the extended period with some shots of colder air only lasting a day or two before moderating.

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