
Dear Andrew Cuomo: Stop Blaming the National Weather Service for your Ignorance

It’s not often where I speak ‘opinionated’ articles on this site, but I thought it was time to set the record straight for a certain New York governor that felt like blaming the National Weather Service (again) for his own terrible response to natural disasters.

Let’s start with the beginning. Andrew Cuomo, governor of New York, falsely criticized the National Weather Service for ‘not having an idea’ and ‘being off.’:

“No one had an idea that it was gonna be that much snow that fast. Snow coming down at the rate of about five inches an hour. No one had an idea. The weather service was off. By the way, I said this in my state of the state last year we’re putting in our own weather detection system,” said Cuomo.

To say that ‘it was off’ and that ‘no one had an idea’ shows how clueless and ignorant Cuomo was during his poor assessment of the NWS. Area Forecast Discussions, issued twice or more daily, were highlighting the potential for at least an historic lake effect snow event, as early as November 17:

Even local meteorologists in the area sided with their local National Weather Service office in Buffalo:

And even more meteorologists from across the United States:




And the list goes on….and on…..and on. Lake Effect Snow Warnings were issued on the afternoon of Sunday, November 16, and the statements were updated by Tuesday morning to note accumulations of five to six feet in some areas. And even more, with the second band of snow that came through, warnings were out by Tuesday afternoon noting many more feet to come.

Not to mention Cuomo also said this regarding a tornado event across New York back in July:

“We don’t get tornadoes in New York, right? Anyone will tell you that. Well, we do now.”

How the heck this person is governor of New York is beyond me. You can judge him for yourself, but personally, I feel this is a cheap shot at the National Weather Service – who did absolutely perfect during this event, but was tarnished by an idiotic governor who is hardly qualified to talk about his own state’s weather. Oh, and if this brand new ‘weather detection system’ is lead by him, I’d be worried for the citizens of New York. This is the same person that thought there weren’t tornadoes in New York and can’t actually do some research before you say as stupid of a statement as he did today. He fails to see that the federal weather service that we currently have in place across the nation is actually pretty good at what they do. Time for a reality check, Cuomo.

h/t The Vane; The Examiner; NY Post