All of Iowa, Gardening

Ended record cold streak today with 30s, 40s.

Prairie & Blue skies November 21st 2014
Prairie & Blue skies November 21st 2014

Today ended a record cold streak in which much of the state remained below 32.F for a record amount of consecutive days in a row. Here in Cumming and for metro Des Moines,  The cold snap started on November 10th with a high of 29.F, just after we had a high of 66 the day before that November 9th. Since then highs have been in the 20s and 30s, with the  coldest high being 18 on November 17th. Des Moines international airport had a high of 19 the same day.  The coldest low temperature recorded was 6.F at my station in Cumming and 8 officially at Des Moines. Coupled with this cold air, Saturday the 15th 2-3″ of snow fell across the area which until today only slowly melted the past 5 days. Today however, all the snow melted as highs rose to just shy of 40 degrees with a high of 39.F. The new record of 10 days we set this week broke the old record of 8 days set in 1985. The good news for people who were not ready for winter, although rainy this weekend we get 2 full days with highs in the upper 40s and we have a shot at 50 on Sunday!


Records broken:

Des Moines Airport-#1 longest, 10 day stretch of highs below 32.F

Waterloo- #1 coldest first 21 days of November