All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report November 14th 2014: Accumulating Snow

A LITTLE SNOW: The next system will be moving into the state for the weekend bringing with it a chance of some light snow across the state. At this time, snowfall amounts look to range around an inch to two inches of snow with some isolated heavier amounts. The snow will be a drier variety, which will tend to blow around if we get any gusty winds, however travel issues should be minimal. However, this will be the first snow for a lot of people and driving, even in the smallest of snowfalls, when it’s the first accumulating snow of the year, does tend to cause more accidents than snows of this amount later in the season. If you are going to be out and about this weekend, especially on Saturday when the system will be moving through, take your time getting to your destination. Highs today ahead of the storm will be in the 20s to near 30. Readings on Saturday will be a bit warmer by a few degrees with middle 20s to middle 30s for highs.

Probabilities of seeing at least 2" of snow from Saturday 6am to Sunday 6am
Probabilities of seeing at least 2″ of snow from Saturday 6am to Sunday 6am

ANOTHER DUMP OF COLD AIR: The system will move out on Sunday and bring another shot of cold arctic air to the state that looks to last at least through the middle of next week. We could see highs struggling to make it much above the lower 20s, especially if we get a good snowpack from this weekend’s system. Lows will easily drop into the single digits before we see some moderation as we move toward the middle of next week.

EXTENDED PERIOD: The GFS continues to bring some systems to the area around the Thanksgiving holiday, however there is been little consistency of late on the timing of these systems. Readings look to be near or slightly below seasonal levels for the middle to end of November, but this may certainly change as we move forward.

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