We have reached peak color here in Des Moines! Color is at its highest and and is not expected to get brighter here in southern Iowa. Even interesting to note, even though we have reached peak there is still a descent amount of green in some areas. About 90% of trees have turned color here in Des Moines. This year has been a great year for colors as they have been outstanding. Oaks are beautiful shades of orange, burgundy and yellow. Maples are orange, yellow and red. Hickory trees are golden yellow, Ginkgo trees are gold, and burning bushes and sumac are the most intense red at this time. It’s a great time to view fall colors so make sure you get out there! This will be the last weekend for best viewing! Warm temperatures ahead will likely quickly expire the best colors. Don’t forget about Iowas native prairie areas! Prairie are their most beautiful in fall when grasses turn in their fall colors. I drove past some over the past couple days and they are just outstanding right now!
The regional map reviles that the northern part of Iowa is now past peak and the best colors have faded. The rest of the start, including southern and parts of central Iowa are at peak now and should be enjoyed! Friends in Northern Missouri, Kansas and Southern Illinois should be prepared to be next in line for peak fall color, as they will be there next week. I expect because of the warmth ahead, most of Iowa will be past peak by mid to end of the week next week.