All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report October 20th 2014

A BIT OF RAIN: The week ahead looks fairly dry across the state outside a chance Wednesday into Thursday with a weak system moving through. It will have little moisture to work with so the amounts will tend to remain fairly light at this point. Today and into Tuesday sunshine will be the main weather story with readings making it well into the 60s today and a bit cooler Tuesday especially in the eastern counties where some upper 50s will be possible there, 60s elsewhere. After the system dissipates late Thursday into Thursday night, Friday looks to be mainly sunny with a few clouds and highs around 60 give or take a few degrees.

LOOK AT THE WEEKEND: Saturday will be the best of the two days with plenty of sunshine around and readings near seasonal levels for the end of October. Sunday will see an increase in the clouds and a new storm system moving in from the west. Unlike the system on Wednesday into Thursday, this storm looks to have more moisture with it so amounts may be heavier, however this could change in coming days so stay tuned.

LOOKING INTO NOVEMBER: This run of the GFS shows a significant system moving through around Halloween and the 1st of November that could bring some rain and much colder conditions as we head into the month of November. It is also showing the some accumulating snow could be possible very close to the state mainly in Minnesota and the Dakotas. It is something to watch in the coming days. Readings look to stay chilly for the first few days of November before moderating to near seasonal levels by the 4th, however we could see something very different on the next run, just looking for any possible trends at this point.

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