All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report October 16th 2014

BORING WEATHER: Not a whole lot will be taking place over the next couple of days across the state. Sunshine will be in full force through the rest of the week and into the weekend with only some clouds from time to time. Highs today will be the warmest of the next several days, with readings in the 60s and lower 70s across the state. Cooler conditions will move in for Friday and last through the weekend as northwesterly winds take over from the low pressure system that will be churning over eastern Canada. This will lower readings into the 50s and lower 60s Friday through Sunday but sunshine should still be a good supply.

NO BIG CHANGE: Monday through Wednesday looks like there won’t be any big changes in the weather with sunshine around and highs mainly in the 50s and 60s. A system will be approaching the state from the west as we head into Thursday but any precipitation may remain off to the west at least until the evening hours next Thursday.

EXTENDED PERIOD FUN: As we look into the extended period, the GFS is showing a cold push of air from Canada a bit earlier than we saw yesterday with some precipitation possibly in the form of rain and or wintry mix around the 26th. Temperatures look to quickly moderate thereafter with a more zonal flow as we near the end of the month. Confidence is rather low as this is a big change from what we saw yesterday at this time. More changes are possible if not likely as we get closer to this period.

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