All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report October 15th 2014: My Oh My What A Wonderful Couple Days

CALM TIME: The weather will be rather calm and boring for the next several days across the state. Sunshine will be a full supply over this time period with readings in the 60s today and tomorrow dropping slightly into the 50s and lower 60s for the weekend before slowly warming back up into next week. The only flies in the forecast are a few clouds in the eastern counties through the morning hours where some showers could be possible but those look to stay east of the Mississippi. A disturbance could skirt the state to the northeast on Monday which may bring some clouds to the northeastern counties then but any precipitation looks to remain out of the state.

EXTENDED PERIOD: As we look at the extended period, no big changes are seen on this model run. A few systems may come with some light precipitation but the weather pattern remains quiet until around the 29th and 30th when the GFS shows a big push of much colder air coming in from Canada. If this happens to be correct, this could bring some snow flurries as far south as northeastern Iowa on the 30th, but since this is the first time we’ve seen this, confidence in this solution is low at this time.

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