All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report October 14th 2014: Quiet Times Await

RAIN TO START, SUN TO FINISH: Rain will linger today mainly in the eastern two-thirds of the state. The rest of the state could see some breaks in the clouds but sunshine would be little if any today. Highs will be held down in the eastern counties due to the constant rain with upper 50s. Lower to middle 60s will be possible elsewhere. The rain will slowly lift out tonight but clouds may linger in the eastern counties even into Wednesday. The western counties should see some sunshine and readings warming well into the 60s. Thursday should be the nicest day of the week with plenty of sunshine around the state and readings well into the 60s with perhaps a few lower 70s possible as well. Some cooler weather will come down Friday into Saturday which should lower readings back into the upper 50s to lower 60s across the state but sunshine should still be in good supply.

NO CHANGE: Sunday will be similar to Saturday with sunshine and readings in the upper 50s to lower 60s. A disturbance will move south of the state Sunday night into Monday but in the wake of this system, cooler air will push down from the north once again which may bring readings down a bit more Monday into Tuesday next week. The main cold air push according to this run looks to be aimed more toward the Great Lakes, more the northeastern counties may feel the cooler temperature effects for the first part of next week.

FAIRLY QUIET: The extended period looks rather calm and seasonal with only one storm around the 27th that could bring us some precipitation. Other systems look to skirt or miss the state entirely. The 8-14 day outlook pretty shows that warmer temperatures and below normal precipitation could be possible during that time period. We’ll see if anything changes in the coming days.

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