All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report October 12th 2014: Here Comes the Rain

RAIN MOVING IN: The next system will move into the state later today and last through Monday into Tuesday. Some of the rain could be heavy especially late Monday into the first part of Tuesday. The rain will move out of the state from west to east by Tuesday afternoon into Tuesday evening. Rainfall amounts of a half to one and a half inches could be possible with the heaviest rain concentrated in the southeastern half of the state.

INDIAN SUMMER: We should have a few days of warm temperatures and sunshine with highs making it into the 60s and lower 70s Wednesday and Thursday. Friday could see temperatures dip slightly into the lower and middle 60s across the state and this looks to last into Saturday as well.

EXTENDED PERIOD: This run of the GFS doesn’t show too much in terms of weather for the first part of the extended period. An upper level feature may cut off across the south and a possible tropical entity could get pulled up from the Gulf into the southeastern part of the US. This would keep weather around here fairly calm with readings roughly near seasonal levels in the 60s. Toward the end of the period, a system may be approaching from the west, but at this point it looks disorganized and doesn’t show anything of significance. However this is still two weeks out and things are likely to change. As of now, nothing too ominous on the horizon at this time.

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