All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report October 4th 2014

COLD DAYS: It will feel a lot like November today across the state with partly to mostly sunny skies in the western and southern counties of the state with clouds hanging tough for most of the day in the northern and northeastern counties. Highs today will range from the mid to upper 40s northeast to the middle 50s southwest. Another cold night in store tonight with some patches of frost especially in the eastern counties of the state. Lows will generally settle down into the 30s. Sunday will begin a slow moderating trend back to near seasonal levels for the early part of October with highs in the 40s to lower 60s across the state.

NEXT WEEK: The GFS still shows a disturbance swinging around the base of the trough over the eastern half of the country. This could bring some isolated showers to the northeastern counties of the state Monday afternoon. The rest of the state should remain dry with some clouds from time to time. Highs look to remain in the 50s and 60s. Tuesday and Wednesday will be dry with mainly sunny skies across the state with highs in the 60s for the most part. As we head into Thursday and Friday a system will move just to the south of the state but with another disturbance moving in from the west, we could see an increased chance in some showers during this time. Any heavy rainfall will remain to our south and southeast, but any shift northward could bring that into our southeastern counties. We’ll have to wait for any model trends to confirm this.

FARTHER INTO OCTOBER: As we head into the extended period, the GFS shows a few systems moving through the state around the 13th and the 18th with a chance of some showers with them. The second storms would bring some much cooler air similar to the last storm but nothing is set in stone at this time. Up to that point, readings should be within a few degrees of seasonal norms.

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