All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report October 3rd 2014

THE COLD BLAST: Much colder air will be around today and through the weekend. We could see some peaks of sunshine especially in the southern and western counties of the state. We could still see some sprinkles or drizzle in the northeastern counties through the day as well. Highs will be set early on in the day and be falling slowly through the afternoon and evening. A disturbance swinging around the backside of this departing system could bring a sprinkle or flurry to the northern and northeastern counties of the state tonight into early Saturday morning. This should not amount to a lot. Lows on Saturday morning will bottom out in the 30s for the entire state. Saturday should only see highs in the 40s to lower 50s across the state with partly to mostly sunny skies, however the northeastern counties could see be socked in with clouds for part of the day. Sunday should see a lot more sunshine around with readings mainly in the 50s to lower 60s.

MODERATING: Another disturbance will swing around this occluding system Monday into early on Tuesday with a threat of some showers at that time. The GFS is a tad slower than it was yesterday with the timing of this system, however readings will start to moderate back into the 60s through the first half of the week with sunshine returning to most of the state by Wednesday. The next system looks to move in from the southwest on Thursday into next Friday with some showers and isolated thunderstorms. We still have plenty of time to watch this in the coming days for any threats that this might pose.

FARTHER ALONG: As we look into the extended period which goes through the middle of the month, another brief cold air blast comes for next weekend with another chance of some rain showers especially on Saturday. This colder air doesn’t look to last long as temperatures look to moderate back to near seasonal levels by the beginning of the new work week. Thereafter the pattern looks progressive with several systems possibly impacting the state. Timing these out this far in advance is difficult, so confidence in this is rather low.

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