All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report September 30th 2014

RAINY PERIOD: There will be a chance of showers and a few thunderstorms from time to time from now through the day on Thursday across the state. The eastern counties may still see some sunshine for part of the day today but clouds will be on the increase with the threat of precipitation elsewhere. Highs will be noticeably cooler with highs in the 60s and 70s across the state. This will be the trend through Thursday with readings in the 60s and 70s with periods of rain. This doesn’t look like all day rains however an umbrella may be needed from time to time if you happen to be outside for any length of time. Much cooler weather will follow this system on Friday with readings possibly only making it into the upper 50s to middle 60s across the state and even that could be a bit lenient at this point.

THE WEEKEND: The weekend will be much cooler than this past weekend with readings in the 60s for the most part across the state. The deep surface low with the storm that will be moving through the area over the next couple of days will be slowly occluding well to our north over western Hudson Bay. Another disturbance may rotate around the base of the trough that will be digging across the eastern half of the country on Sunday that could spark a shower mainly in the far northern counties of the state. The precipitation may stay up in Minnesota and Wisconsin but it’s close enough to at least put the precipitation chance into the northern counties for Sunday for the time being. Saturday will be fine but cool as mentioned prior.

INTO THE IDES OF OCTOBER: We aren’t seeing any run to run consistency for the extended period, which is somewhat understandable. This run shows a progressive pattern with several systems that may quickly move through the state from west to east with shots of colder air following each of them. Readings for the most part look to remain near seasonal levels, averaged out with some cooler days intermixed especially after passing storm systems.

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